Member-only story
We Are All Too Good for This
Call me ignorant or disengaged but I didn’t bother watching the first presidential debate live on TV last night. I already know where my vote will land — my parents always taught me that your vote is no one’s business to know, but I think if anyone knows me as a person they know the box I’ll check. Even still, I frankly am fearing election day — while I pray that the reign of ridiculousness will be over, I also worry any outcome will cause chaos.
So, instead I spent my evening numbing my brain, watching a scandalous series on Netflix and caught up on the mass amounts of work that had piled up in my inbox while I was dual working/supporting virtual learning/maintaining my household for 19 out of 24 hours of my day, as has become my new normal in 2020. I will give myself some credit — I did read about and watch key elements the next morning. However, I don’t know why I even bothered with that. My mental health is already in dire straits these days, and I knew what I would see on that stage: two men bickering and yelling on stage without telling me anything that I don’t already know about them or their platforms. I can’t imagine the decision despair swing voters must be facing this morning after watching what many are calling the most embarrassing presidential debate in history.
I consider myself an educated woman. I also suffer from an excess of empathy that both…